Monday 2 September 2013

The Avengers

I have never really been a fan of the Marvel comics but my brother-in-law is and one day while he was watching "The Avengers", I sat with him and watched the last part of it (I think this was some time last year). I did not have any expectations of the movie seeing that I don't have much interest in it. Anyway, I watched the last part of it (the last big battle) and quite enjoyed it. So I became curious of how it got that far and told myself that I would take the opportunity (when it came along) to watch it from the start. And that opportunity came over the weekend...

My boyfriend and I wanted to watch another movie in our "movie marathon weekend" and came across "The Avengers" on Netflix. My boyfriend has not seen it (he is a fan, though) and I was still curious about how it all began, so we decided to watch it. My expectations were now quite a bit higher than the previous time and I was a little disappointed because the first part bored me a bit. But, the antics of Iron Man and the final battle made up for all of that and I consider the movie a good one.
Favorite part of the movie? Where Hulk "plays" with Loki like a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum *great laugh*

If you are into the Marvel comics or like super heroes, I recommend you watch this movie.

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